"The team convinced with: deep understanding of the industry, diverse technical skills, high social competence and great reliability."

(Managing Director, Client)

Gordi Consult

Gordi Consult is an owner-managed project management consultancy. Our focus is on overcoming complex challenges in projects. We provide our clients with clarity and structure, even in obscure and knotty situations - those situations reminiscent of a Gordian knot.According to legend, the term Gordian knot refers to elaborately knotted ropes that were attached to the chariot of King Gordios of Phrygia from ancient Greece by the gods. They were supposed to inseparably connect the drawbar of the chariot dedicated to Zeus with the draw yoke.

In the spring of 333 B.C., Alexander the Great is said to have cut this knot forcefully with his sword, thus heralding his subsequent triumphal march through Asia. However, there is also another variant of tradition, according to which Alexander is said to have untied the knot through cleverness. It was said that he realized that he only needed to pull out the peg for the knot to collapse.

Gordi Consult's claim is to make complex projects successful by forceful and clever means.

Our core competencies and greatest experience are in process and project management as well as in change management. The bundling of these competencies unfolds its full effect especially in complex project situations.
