Business Cases

Business cases are representations of the relationship between the costs and benefits of initiatives.

Our way of working

Our working method varies greatly depending on:

  • the complexity of the factors affecting the benefits
  • the degree of persuasion that is to be achieved with the business case creation

Common elements of all procedural variants are interviews, workshops and calculations.

In special cases, we also use systems dynamics models for business case development. With their help, self-reinforcing cause-effect relationships become transparent and quantifiable.

A summary of an example is shown in the following graphic:

System-Dynamics-Modell für einen Business Case

System dynamics model for a business case

In the customer situation shown in the example, it was also possible to illustrate how change management investments change the break-even point of projects:

Einfluss von Change Management auf den Break Even eines Projektes

Influence of Change Management on the Break Even of a Project

Benefits for our customers

Business cases are used to make investment decisions. From a change management perspective, they are an important basis for convincing target groups. This effect can be significantly enhanced if key people are involved in the business case development. A third application of business cases is the tracking of target achievements in projects and the measures based on them (performance management).

Special strengths of Gordi Consult

Gordi Consult has both the business knowledge and the diverse technical experience to create realistic business cases. Through distinctive moderation skills, key personnel are involved in the process of business case creation with the aim of securing acceptance at an early stage.
